Masterpiece Moments
Welcome to "Masterpiece Moments," the podcast where we explore the transformative journey of turning life's fragments into works of art.
I'm Shawn Ashman (Lady Ash), your guide on this creative odyssey.
Join me as we unravel the threads of resilience, passion, and creativity that weave together the tapestry of a life, turning each piece into a unique and extraordinary masterpiece.
Get ready for a journey of discovery, motivation, and the art of living well.
Masterpiece Moments
The Warm Embrace of Trust in Humanity
Have you ever felt a guiding hand during a moment of uncertainty, or that instinctual nudge that leads you to exactly where you need to be? Join me, Lady Ash, on a voyage through Masterpiece Moments, where a chance encounter with a blind woman at Coronation Market unfolds into an inspiring testament to the power of trust. As we navigate the bustling streets and the intricate dance of human connection, I reveal how an act of kindness evolved into an enlightening dialogue about faith, instinct, and that still small voice that has directed my path since stepping away from the predictable world of 9 to 5 work.
Embrace the warmth as we delve into the profound theme of trust—trust in ourselves, in others, and in the divine. I recount an intimate moment when comfort arrived in my solitude, resonating as a message from above, and highlight the beautiful tapestry woven from our shared experiences. This episode is a celebration of hope, faith, and the indomitable human spirit. Tune in to discover how surrendering to trust can illuminate the positivity and people that shape our life's journey, and why embracing this trust can lead us to the most unexpected and transformative of moments.
Welcome to Masterpiece Moments, where we explore the transformative journey of turning life's fragments into a work of art. I'm your host, lady Ash, and today we are looking at trusting. Now I had a very, very interesting week Early in the year. I went to the market coronation markets and when I finished my shopping, got all my goodies, I was walking back to the car because I left my car in the parking lot and on my way I had two bags on my shoulder. A lady was walking in front of me but I didn't realize she was blind and she almost went into the tea cart, because they have some carts that sell tea in the morning early on porridge and that sort of a thing. And she basically went into the cart and she said to the fellow you couldn't tell me you're the right person, I'm almost going, I'm going. And at the same time I stopped and I realized that she needed help and I greeted her and I told her that I would love to help her to go at least a part of the journey, wherever she's going. And she held my hand and I started talking with her, asking her what she did for a living. She says she works down town. I said but you're blind, how do you manage? She says, well, the new money, the new Jamaican dollars, have braille on it, so she's able to tell and she just works from there. She just trusts that people will do the right thing. And so after a while she was walking freely. She didn't have her stick out anymore and she was just stepping, you know, free. And she said to me you know from when I really walked like this, I'm really trust you. And I said, miss, I don't know if I can guide you. Well, but if we continue to talk, we should be okay.
Speaker 1:And each intersection that I came up to, I told her where and she knew the place. I told her where she was when she was saying, yes, this is so-and-so street and this is so-and-so street. And I led her up to a point and there was a moment when we had to cross a little gutter and I truly thought I gave her the right instructions and she was just about to step in and I said stop, she was just going to step in the water because there's a little board on it, but she would have missed her step if she went down fully into the step and I said hold on, hold on, hold on. You're stepping in the wrong place. Step on the other side Just a brief moment. And she stepped on the board and, like we crossed over the little trench there and then we went up on the plaza. She said but the right was part juicybief used to be. I said you're correct.
Speaker 1:She went on the plaza and when she was walking with her stick she was able to tell based on the surface of the plaza, and I just thought this was so remarkable. Anyways, I left her there, I bid her farewell and you know we had a fantastic farewell there and went on my merry way. So I went the other way now to the car park and when I got there I said to the lady because every time I go I make sure to greet the persons at the car park so they know that I'm in the market. If they don't see me within a certain time, they know that maybe you know something is amiss. And so she was like oh, you take so long. I said, dear. I followed a lady. I carried a lady to a safe spot where she could walk on the plaza to get to where she was going, and I shared a story with her.
Speaker 1:I'm saying all of that to say that that lady trusted me. She trusted me to lead her where she was going. She don't know me from Adams, but she held onto my hand, took up her cane and decided that she was going to step like she could see. And that is the kind of trust that you need to have in your everyday life. You have to trust God. Since I left my 9 to 5, I don't know where, when my next opportunity is going to come up. I don't know when I'm going to get another sale or another client. I just have to trust God. And there are months when I look in the bank account and I say but God said a month not done it. You just have to trust. And of course, things always turn out positively and things always work out. So sometimes we talk about trusting but we're so afraid and we want to do things the way we are accustomed to doing it and we want to do things the way we think it should work. I'm not saying don't have a plan because I'm a planner, but I do trust because you never really know, until you're in that moment, what will happen and in that moment you will get that feeling in your stomach and the Lord will speak to you.
Speaker 1:One of the good things about working on my own is I don't have a lot of distractions. I distract myself. So I don't have a lot of chatter, I don't have a lot of unusual noise, and that helps me to listen to the still small voice. I oftentimes take a break, sit and just meditate and listen, because God has never failed me yet. He has taken me every time in the correct direction, and we know this. You experience it too when you're driving on the road. There are little instincts that you get and you just sit here and say why am I doing it? No, I'm not. If I just trust myself, 2024, let it be a year of trust, not yesterday.
Speaker 1:Two days ago, I went to the doctor to do some tests and I told one person and I said to the person I will not call you. The first said, oh man, I will call you. And when, after everything happened and I left the doctor's office, I was walking. I walked to my car. I was walking to my car and I said to myself Lord, I can do this, I can get through this. I went in the car and it was good by the time I went through and I went on the road and I crossed over to another street. I don't know what happened, but the car stopped. I was in the road and I had a moment, a really bad moment, and I had some thoughts which were probably disturbing for me, because a fear came over me. I was like what is this? And the car was there. I thought the car was not in the road, but it was actually in the road and I was in the car and I was crying and I decided that I can't call anybody in this state because I don't want to freak anybody out. And I picked up the phone and I saw a text message coming in from a friend. Didn't have any clue about what was happening, just a random text from out of the blues.
Speaker 1:The Lord saw that I needed somebody, but just not anybody. He knew that I needed somebody who could walk me through this moment, somebody who had the necessary experience, know-how and belief that was required in this instance. But before that person showed up because the person actually called and came to my location but before that person showed up, three persons passed me in that car I was not even aware and they came back. They passed, they went, they walked all the way to the stop light and they came back, karen and mr Weeks, and they, they, they opened the I've warmed on the window and I said miss you, all right, and I said yes, I'll be fine. And I said no, say a car in that room In the road and I said really, and he says yes, and the gentleman said come, come, pull over, pull over, pull over. And I pulled over properly and I was no longer in the road and and they started talking and they just started sharing stories and they told the person On the phone that they will be waiting with me until he comes and they stayed with me and they talked with me and they shared with me and they weren't even interested necessarily in what was happening, but they just wanted me to know that God is able and that I should trust in God. And that's anything that I'm going through. Somebody else has been through it.
Speaker 1:Remarkable human beings. Jamaica has a lot of beautiful people. We just don't stop to see the beautiful moments and the beautiful people that we have around us. They waited with me and we had a good time. By now I stopped, I had stopped crying and you know I'd calm down significantly and so on and and my friend came and escorted me and we sat down and we spoke for a couple of hours.
Speaker 1:I needed that. But what is so uncanny? I said to him how did you know to text me at this moment? He looked at me and he said the Holy Spirit, god, is not going to leave you nor forsake you. If you believe and you know that you walk in faith and you walk with God, he will show up for you Every single time. You just have to trust. Trust that you're covered, trust that everything will be alright. I'm okay, I'm walking through the process. So, whatever will happen, I'm trusting God.
Speaker 1:But the following morning, the two persons they work at the arm apart camp both of them they called to check in on me to find out how I was doing and, if you know, I was coping. And I told them yes, and I was very appreciative of the support Every day, every single day. If you just stop to look, there are beautiful moments in our life. There are beautiful experiences in our life. They're beautiful people in our life who embrace us, who will embrace us, who will give us what we need emotionally, physically, financially. We just have to tune in to those people and tune out the ones that are vibrating on the negative energy, because there are lots of beautiful moments, lots of masterpiece moments. So today I just want to encourage you to trust. Firstly, trust your instincts. Trust God and Everything will work out the way it ought to have a fantastic day. I'll see you soon.